
Easy Identification with Paper Tags

2.5" x 5"  Paper Tag with Punch 2.5" x 5" Paper Tag with Punch

Custom Turn Key, Short Run Tags available from Drake Industries.

Blue (Light or Dark), Brown, Buff, Gray, Green (Light or Dark), Ivory, Lilac, Orange, Pink, Red, Salmon, White, Yellow.
Fluorescent: Chartreuse, Green, Orange/Red, Pink.

Various String Options (Yarn, Polyastra or Metallic Threads).  Primary & Secondary color thread/string options.  Wire also available.

Reinforced, Red Paper Tags Red Paper Tags with Eyelet and string (above) and Punch and string (below)

Shrink Wrapping available as well as:

-Corner Clipping
-Eyelet and String
-Punch and String

Fully customized, digitally printed paper tags (shown below) are also available for ID, instruction, and calibration purposes.

Contact Drake Industries for the best option for your project. 800.531.5073, x1170

Digitally Printed Instruction Tag Digitally Printed Instruction Tag



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